Smart Badge
Meet the Smart Badge technology!
Every Bakkersvak and IJs-Vak visitor receives a badge with a special chip: the Smart Badge. With this Smart Badge you can scan exhibitor stands in which you are interested in and would like to receive more information about. After your visit, you will receive an e-mail with an overview of all the exhibitors that you have scanned.
The Smart Badge is an initiative of Easyfairs. With the mission “Visit the future” and the future in mind, we are working on a sustainable show experience. Easy for you and also better for the environment!
Benefits for you as visitor
Your badge is your virtual event bag
No more carrying heavy brochures around!
You keep track of which stands you visited
You will receive a nice recap of your day, via email.
No spamming
You receive only the digital info from the exhibitors you’re interested in.
Exchange your business card
You exchange your digital business card with the exhibitors you visited.
How does it work?
Touch the badge reader of the exhibitor with your badge
The green light comes on and you hear a sound